Changelog for Fontra
- Added support for reading .woff and .woff2 PR 1999
- Misc improvements to the Font Overview
- Added preset glyph sets from Google Fonts, Black Foundry, Adobe and Christoph Koeberlin
- Fixed a bug with point deletion Issue 1980, PR 1981
The Font Overview is ready to be used everywhere, including in Fontra Pak. Documentation will follow soon.
It has support for "template glyphsets", that can be chosen from collections of presets, or made from any publically hosted text, .tsv or .csv data. This includes files on GitHub and publically readable Google Docs or Sheets.
There will be further improvements and additions. Ongoing work: Issue 1886
- A change in the URL format: the project identifier is now in the URL query, instead of part of the URL path Issue 1960, PR 1959
- Editor tools: right-clicking or control-clicking on a tool with sub-tools will now show the subtools instead of the browser's context menu Issue 1953, PR 1956
- Fixed bug related to deleting points Issue 1910, PR 1916
- Added robots.txt to HTTP root folder PR 1905
- Small improvements to Related Glyphs & Characters panel (selecting multiple glyphs, keyboard navigation) PR 1906
- Accordion view: alt-click on a header folds/unfolds all items PR 1901
- Implement finding glyph names for code points and code points for glyph names in JS, via a CSV version of GlyphData.xml. This is a performance improvement, and needed for the upcoming Font Overview PR 1900
- Fixed a regression witb CJK Design Frame settings PR 1883
- Fixed a regression with the Knife Tool PR 1870
- Making the interface between server and client more explicit PR 1863
- Fixed editing bug with multiple edit views PR 1870
- Prevent
and Fontra Pak's "Export as..." to write on top of the source data (as this destroyed the data)
: PR 1860
- Fontra Pak: PR 148
- Fontra Pak: add button with link to documentation PR 143
- Fixes "clean view" (space bar) on Safari PR 1835
- Japanese UI translation (thanks Masaki Ando!)
- Keep the focus on the canvas when clicking icon buttons and (some) list cell buttons PR 1829
- Add 'Add background image' menu to context menu PR 1827
- Fixed bug with colorizing the background image on Safari PR 1825
- Reorganize context menu: put "Edit" items under a sub menu PR 1824
- Fix the Knife tool PR 1823
- Add support for background image colorization PR 1815
New feature: background images.
A background image can be added to a glyph in three ways:
- Paste image data
- Drop an image file onto the canvas
- Choose an image file from the user's hard drive, with the "Glyph" -> "Add background image..." menu.
The image file or data can be in PNG or JPEG format.
The glyph needs to be in edit mode, and at a selected source (not at an interpolation).
Fontra's background image feature is mostly compatible with UFO background images, although it doesn't implement UFO's colorization feature yet. Fontra does allow the opacity of the image to be set.
Background images are locked by default, and can be unlocked with the "Unlock background images" context menu item.
Selected background images can be moved around by dragging, and they participate in the Selection Transformation panel's operations.
The Selection Info panel shows the settings for a selected background image: the Opacity can be edited there and the Transformation settings can be edited numerically there.
Caveat: support for background images is limited to the .designspace
and .fontra
backends. It is currently not supported in the rcjk
Issue 1660, Issue 1777 (There were too many PRs to mention individually here.)
- Improved UI translations PR 1764
- Added "Select previous/next glyph" menu items PR 1706
- Partial support for background images (more to come) PR 1775
- Add support for many UFO font info fields, so they won't get lost during round-tripping PR 1770
- Fixed cosmetic issue with scrollbars on Windows PR 1767
- Fixed bug with Copy/Paste menu items PR 1756
- Various improvements to the font sources panel PR 1739
- Add changelog file PR 1749
- New cross-axis mapping page for avar2 mappings PR 1729
- Allow custom shortcuts for selecting previous/next reference font PR 1742
- New languages: French, Dutch, German
- Fontra Pak: build macOS application as "Universal2" binary, so it runs natively on all processor types Fontra Pak PR 108
- Delete gear panel (move to difference locations, for example: View -> Glyph editor apperance) PR 1701
- Shape tool (rectangle, ellipse)
- Knife tool
New editor features
- Interactive transformation (scale, rotate)
- Glyph level guidelines
- Close/Join contours
- Anchors
- Glyph locking
New panels
- Development status definitions panel (colors)
- Sources panel (Global sources editor)
- Shortcuts panel
New sidebars
- Selection Transformation
- transform objects (move, scale, rotate, skew)
- Align and distribute objects
- Path operations like remove overlaps
- Glyph Notes
- Related Glyphs & Characters
New visualizations
- Line metrics
- Development status color
- Transform selection
- Guidelines
- Component nodes and handles
- Anchor names
- Contour indices
- Component names and indices
- Coordinates
- Point indices
- Glyph lock icon for non-editing glyphs
- UI Translation (Chinese and English)
- Fontra Pak: Create new font
- Menu bar
- Axis editor
- Mapping (graph + list)
- Axis value labels
- Discrete axis
- Axis reordering
- side bearings
- shift click